BYO picnic to have on the lawn at Eurimbla.
Soak up the spring vibe with performances of dancing and singing by young local artists.
Learn about all things trees including the Slopes 2 Summit Regional Connectivity Project with Kylie Durant from Holbrook Landcare.
Take a walk with Birds on Farms to do a bird survey in the nearby ‘forest’ followed by a short walk to observe creativity in Regenerative farming.
When? Saturday, 19th October
Where? Jill and Ian’s Eurimbla farm – 148 Rodgers Road East, Gerogery [a 15min drive from Albury]
Time? 12 – 3pm BYO lunch. Drinks provided.
Event Fee? Gold coin donation
Bookings are essential through:
Download Flyer: Picnic for Nature at Eurimbla Flyer
For further queries contact: Jill Coghlan: 0488 661 585